At Clar8ty, our mission is to enhance the physical and mental wellbeing of each individual through a holistic approach to wellness. Our cutting-edge products rejuvenate your cells and provide a defense against harmful environmental frequencies. We believe that all health conditions start with unhealthy cells, and Clar8ty offers the solutions you need.
At Clar8ty, our mission is to enhance the physical and mental wellbeing of each individual through a holistic approach to wellness. Our cutting-edge products rejuvenate your cells and provide a defense against harmful environmental frequencies. We believe that all health conditions start with unhealthy cells, and Clar8ty offers the solutions you need.

♥ Love
♥ Purity
♥ Potency
♥ Integrity
♥ Truth
♥ Empowerment
Serving others on their path to pure health and full potential!
A Message From The Founder
As a teenager, I never imagined that my decision to become a vegetarian at age 16 would profoundly influence my future goals. Health-conscious and passionate about exercise, I have maintained a Vegan and Gluten-free lifestyle for over 20 years.My life revolves around my daughter and my family's business, where I serve as CFO. Despite my love for our business, I always yearned for something that aligned with my passion for health.Seeing headlines about the widespread prescription of medications to adults and children, and the rise in childhood diseases, made me worry about the future health of my grandchildren. This concern motivated me to take action and find a better way.I had an "Ah-ha" moment: What if I could create a company with a product that simplifies achieving optimal health for both kids and adults? I dedicated myself to researching what it would take to develop a delicious, Vegan, Non-GMO, Gluten-free, and pure drink without artificial ingredients.Through persistent effort and assembling a team aligned with my mission, we launched Clar8ty with our flagship product, CALIBR8. Developed based on the latest findings in nutrigenomics and cell science, CALIBR8 targets the root causes of dysfunction rather than just symptoms.

"My goal is to educate people to make informed health choices and provide the tools to achieve optimal health and unlock their pure potential. Join me on this mission to make a positive impact on people's lives!"
– Robin Hoffman Haack
Founder & CEO

23881 Via Fabricante
Suite 515
Mission ViejoCA
United States