Erik Swanson
Leadership Council
As a leading Professional Speaker & Success Coach ERIK SWANSON has been making a huge name for himself in assisting people throughout the U.S., Canada & Europe overachieve specific goals in business as well as their personal lives. He is in great demand, speaking on average to more than 50,000 people per year in various industries and careers, he is both versatile in his approach and effective in facilitating a wide array of training topics.
Companies & associations always look forward to having him speak to their team because as an outside authority he can reinforce key messages that team leaders and managers have been trying to communicate all along.
People love to listen to him, as he shares real life experiences. He has shared the stage with some of the most talented and famous Speakers of the world today such as Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, and the late great Jim Rohn.
These real life experiences have molded him into the amazing “Connector” and Speaker he is today. He is an active member in the speaking community… and the President & CEO of Universal Seminars & Habitude Warrior International providing training to corporations and individuals throughout the world!
His recent work with authors & speakers from The Secret and the Millionaire Mentor has developed his key message conveyed through his new book series called “HABITUDE WARRIORS” – The Art of Maintaining Great Habits and Great Attitudes.” He was recently hired to speak to the Entrepreneur & Business School at Harvard University and also sits on the Leadership Council Board at Clar8ty International!